Ramen Noodles and Acid Reflux : Is Ramen Noodles good for Acid Reflux?

Is Ramen Noodles good for Acid Reflux?

Is Ramen Noodles good for Acid Reflux? (click for details)

This Ramen Noodles good for Acid Reflux photograph is by Lauren Volo from the How To Make Homemade Restaurant Quality Ramen recipe page at Kitchn. I’ve cropped and resized their photograph. So see that page for the original photograph and its copyright details.

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I found this image after searching for a ramen noodles photograph to illustrate my Ramen Noodles and Acid Reflux article. It represents a great way to eat noodles and the recipe is easy to follow. Clearly, from that article, some people should avoid ramen noodles. But that should be based on your consultation with health professionals. Not simply what you’ve read on the Internet. Because every case is individual.

For example, the studies so far have not compared fresh with manufactured dried noodles. More importantly, while it seems that ramen noodles are bad for most people with acid reflux, that does not include every acid reflux patient.

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