Alkaline Grains List
Alkaline Grains Update
I’m moving nutrition lists to ALKAscore. Where I’m also reconfiguring them to match the latest food groups. Currently, the nearest list to this Foodary original is ALKAscore’s `Acid-Alkaline Pasta, Noodles, Cooked Grains PRAL List`. But that will change soon. So it’s best to search for the latest alkaline grains information. Or start from the new Food Groups Index (DGA Food Group 3: Grains).
Pending completion, I’m retaining this page as a progress record. So you can follow the transition from all the lists included in my Basic Acid Alkaline Food Chart Introduction.
Here on Foodary, I’m focusing on the health benefits of grains. So I’ll be summarizing facts about grains in general. Including acid-forming vs alkalizing grains and pasta. As well as satisfying visitors search for facts and FAQs about specific grains. Including: amaranth, arrowroot, barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, corn, cornbread, cornflour, cornmeal, cornstarch, couscous, farro, flour, hominy, kamut, maize, millet, oats, orzo (risoni), quinoa, rye, semolina, sorghum, spaghetti, spelt, wheat, and white rice.
Alongside, I’ll add information for related foods. Including cassava, coconut, gluten, polenta, popcorn, and suji.
Alkaline Grains & Pasta List
I’ve retired the old format for Alkaline Grains & Pasta List. But the original list is available as a free Alkaline Grains Spreadsheet. Or, you will find it in the free resources listed in your dashboard if you subscribe to my free Foodary Nexus Newsletter…Subscribe to Free Foodary Nexus
Subscription is free, and your email address is safe - I will never share it with anyone else. I use Gumroad to provide this service, as described at the Foodary Nexus Newsletter Service.
Early feedback from the spreadsheets has prompted me to upgrade them. Because the original format was great for identifying high acid load grains. Then switching to high alkaline grains. But the spreadsheet format allows us to do much more.
So I’ve added columns that allow you to easily make better alkaline grain choices. Significantly, I’ve added a column for PRAL values per 100 calories. And to emphasize the fact that PRAL values are average estimates, I’ve dropped the decimal points from that new column. Hopefully that will encourage you to look for changes that lower your PRAL score by at least 2 points per change. Remember, you must plan for some acid forming foods. Just ensure that your total daily PRAL score is negative.
One benefit from my PRAL spreadsheets upgrade is that it’s now easy to see the most acidic and the most alkaline grains. So here are a couple of significant lists for you…
Top 10 Acidic Grains
These grains are listed with the highest acid load first. Where the first number in the list is PRAL value per 100 calorie serving:
- 11 ┈ Vital wheat gluten
- 7 ┈ Oat bran
- 6 ┈ Cornmeal, self-rising, bolted, plain, enriched
- 5 ┈ Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, self-rising, enriched
- 5 ┈ Cornmeal, self-rising, bolted, with wheat flour added, enriched
- 5 ┈ Rice bran, crude
- 5 ┈ Cornmeal, self-rising, degermed, enriched
- 5 ┈ Wheat germ, crude
- 4 ┈ Wheat, durum
- 4 ┈ Rye
Next, a few more from the other end of the scale…
Most Alkaline Grains List
There are no significant alkaline grains. However, here are 4 grains with the lowest acid load. But their PRAL scores per 100 calories all round to zero:
- Buckwheat flour, whole-groat
- Arrowroot flour
- Quinoa
- Tapioca, pearl, dry

Quinoa, a rare Alkaline Grain – but only just!
Your Next Steps
As noted, this is now a progress page to monitor the transition from old Foodary tables. So I recommend using search or the links above to get the latest information about alkaline grains.
This is true. But with the improvements to the spreadsheets, I recommend that you consider using the free Alkaline Grains Spreadsheet to make better alkaline grains choices today.
Start by sorting the spreadsheet by the first column. Then find your current choices for bread, pasta, and rice. Finally, look for alternatives with a lower PRAL score. Now I say `finally`. But the reality is that there are probably many ways to use these alkaline food spreadsheets to lower your acid load. So we can do much more together.
Please tell me how you use the Alkaline Grains Spreadsheet to analyze and plan your bread, pasta, and rice consumption. Then I might make more improvements to the spreadsheets. But also tell me about any difficulties you encounter. Because I can help you use the spreadsheet. Also, I can improve instructions for other users.
Leave Alkaline Grains List to read more PRAL Alkalizing Food Lists.
Alkaline Grains and Pasta Food Chart Feedback
I’ve moved commenting into the Foodary Nexus. Where you can share your questions, experiences, and opinions about alkaline grains. For more information, I recommend that you subscribe to my free newsletter.
If you are asking a question, it is best to:
- Search for that question in the Foodary Search Engine first.
- Choose the most relevant result.
- Refer to that result as you ask your question.
Earlier Foodary visitor responses include:
Alkaline Grains List
George asked:”I don’t eat pasta so is it possible to get a list of alkaline grains without the pasta?
Foodary Response to Alkaline Grains List
Thanks, George. I’m working on some new PRAL charts. Based on smaller food groups. So that people don’t have to search through long lists of alkalizing foods. Please subscribe to my update service to get an email when I publish new charts:
Subscribe to Free Foodary Nexus
Subscription is free, and your email address is safe - I will never share it with anyone else. I use Gumroad to provide this service, as described at the Foodary Nexus Newsletter Service.
Alkaline Grains List Related Topics
Please remember: to find more related pages that are relevant to you, use the search box near the top of every page.
Common Terms: cereal, corn, group, Most Helpful Foodary Articles, noodle, pasta, rice
Other posts that include these terms:
- Alkaline Herbs and Spices
- Acid-Alkaline Dairy and Egg Products Food List
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- Acid-Alkaline Legumes and Legume Products Food Chart
- Alkaline Nuts and Seeds List
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- Alkaline Fruit Juice and Fruits List
- Acid-Alkaline Poultry Products Food List
- Alkaline Meats List
- Acid-Alkaline Vegetables Food List
- Acid-Alkaline Soups, Sauces, and Gravies Food List
- Acid-Alkaline Oils and Fats Food Nutrition List
- Acid-Alkaline Breakfast Cereals List
I wanted to know what the [-0.17] means? What does the [-] sign mean on the either alkaline or acid column? Thank you so much
All negative values have an alkalizing effect.
Remember, your diet has to contain a good mix of acid and alkaline foods. Around 60% to 70% of calories should come from alkalizing foods. The numbers are only a guide to help you make better food choices. The true test comes from measuring urine pH using a meter or test strips.
I forgot to share that I have been to many sites and your site has the most detailed amount of foods and I want to thank you so much for taking the time to list so many foods, no other sites have all that you list. God bless you for your time in doing this. May God bless your heart
You are very kind, Rose Marie.
There’s much more I want to do, but never find the time. Your kind words encourage me to make that time.
Thank you
I too share Rose Marie’s comments. I have been inflicted with the dreaded “gout”, and your site has the most comprehensive list of food pH levels, after being processed by our bodies, that I’ve found.
Maybe mentioning that at the top of each chart would enlighten some people. Also a mention that the numbers are based on a 100g portion too. Just a suggestion…
Great Info!!,